products & solution: overview news & paving intelligence into safety, security & mobility en fr es -- toggle navigation home about us about careers investors products & solutions product & solution overview product selection case studies partners partners partner area news videos contact contact visitor access access for deliveries paving intelligence into safety, security and mobility highways tunnels bridges smart cities automatic incident detection 's video-based automatic incident detection systems identify incidents and accidents within seconds on highways, bridges and tunnels. they operate as a software application on existing cameras or directly inside smart cameras. traffic data collection our traffic data collection solutions provide reliable data for statistics, planning and real-time road user information, from cost-effective traffic data sensor to using existing cctv cameras to collect data. intersection control from direct loop replacement to advanced queue detection our xcam above-ground sensors provide superior detection and are the solution of choice for adaptive signal control and gridlock prevention. video management our video management system is designed for and dedicated to the transportation industry. it provides a wide array of functions and scenario that make it a powerful tool to address the very specific issues of its. license plate recognition our high-performance licence plate recognition sensors are used for smart data collection, vehicle identification or enforcement. they operate in the most demanding environments that are highways and tunnels. news & events deploy automatic incident detection and video management system in fagernes tunnel – norway fagernes tunnel, located in the northern region in norway is a 2,1 km long bi-directional tunnel. automatic incident detection solution and video management system is deployed to monitor the traffic for incident on 32 visible and 2 thermal cameras. and axis receive an award at smartcity barcelona 2018 is proud of its contribution to the mobility award winning project at smartcity barcelona 2018. the north avenue smart corridor in atlanta uses axis cameras deployed across 25 intersections. the cameras are used for video surveillance but also for traffic analytics using ’s applications installed onboard the cameras. traffics statistics analytics send traffic data onto ’s ctcloud platform. traffic efficiency analytics detect vehicles and optimize the traffic light cycles. the project truly embodies the smart city spirit that is working across silos and mutualizing resources within the city. >see the smartcity barcelona site >> >see the case study >> traffic infratech expo and parking infratech expo in mumbai, india - october 2018 first joint event in mumbai, india together with axis communications and genetec on october 25 to 27, showcasing our fully integrated solutions for automatic incident detection, traffic data collection and intersection control solutions, embedded into axis cameras and displaying the data on genetec’s platform. >see the press release >> the bagua tunnel. the second largest tunnel in taiwan the bagua tunnel, second largest tunnel in taiwan (2 tubes of 4900 m each) is undergoing a major equipment retrofit program. the taiwan freeway bureau once again trusted sunsky international ltd, ’s partner in taiwan, to provide the automatic incident detection to be implemented a set of 56 new ip cameras replacing old analogue cameras and 48 newly added ip cameras. the aquitaine bridge in bordeaux, france. as part of a renovation project, has been awarded the supply of a new automatic incident detection system embedded into axis thermal cameras (edge detection) for the aquitaine bridge bordeaux read press release >> its world congress 2018 – sept 2018 come and meet at its world congress 2018 in copenhagen septembre 17-21. see our latest innovations and products. france moves to a new office is growing and moving into a new office space in bagneux, paris area. we are delighted to share this new environment with our colleagues of axis communications. we hope you visit us soon! first project in colombo, sri lanka for traffic data collection and axis are providing a video analytics based traffic data collection system along marine drive, in colombo sri lanka. the system uses axis cameras and ’s smarttraffic-td application installed on the first smart lamp pole initiative launched in sri lanka, which serves various technological purposes including smart street lighting and smart parking. more mobility in ponta grossa - brazil, thanks to a new intersection control system continues to provide more mobility in brazilian cities as one of its partner in the country, dataprom, will soon install presence detection sensors, xcam-p, in ponta grossa, the 4th most populous city of paraná with more than 330.000 inhabitants. those non-intrusive sensors will help improving the waiting time at intersection and thus ease traffic and improve mobility in the city. deploys new intersection control system in koprivnica - croatia continues to provide more mobility in croatian cities as one of its partner in the country, semafor, just installed presence detection sensors, xcam-p, in gundulica street, koprivnica. those non-intrusive sensors will help improving the waiting time at intersection and thus ease traffic and improve mobility in the city. selected for the automatic incident detection in st gallen tunnels - switzerland provides the automatic incident detection in the two tunnels bellow the city center of saint-gall which is the capital of the canton of saint-gallen in switzerland. the system processes a total of 174 cameras with the mediatunnel application. deploys automatic incident detection in muskö tunnel – sweden muskö tunnel connecting the island of muskö, south of stockholm, to the continent is a 2,9 km long tunnel. automatic incident detection system is monitoring the traffic for incident and traffic data collection on 53 visible and 4 thermal cameras. selected for the automatic incident detection in st gallen tunnels- switzerland provides the automatic incident detection in the two tunnels bellow the city center of saint-gall which is the capital of the canton of saint-gallen in switzerland. the system processes a total of 174 cameras with the mediatunnel application. intersection control and traffic data collection in san pedro sula - honduras. and semex are providing a video-analytics based intersection control and traffic data collection system for the san pedro sula municipality. the system consists of 110 xcam-p’s, 40 xcom’s, 20 xcam-td’s and 30 smartcam-td+. >download press release >> >read more>> >read more>> contributes to improve the urban transportation network of bogotá. home of 8 million people and without a subway system or light rail network, traffic in bogotá is recognized as one of the main problems for its citizens. authorities are well aware of it, and not only want to help alleviate the commuting, but also intend to reduce the high carbon emissions causing the smog on the streets. is proud to provide a smartraffic-td solution that will contribute to improve the urban transportation network of bogotá. intersection control in the city of muscat - oman and its partner modern network enterprises in oman, continue to develop the intersection control in the city of muscat with xcam-p virtual loop video solution. solution is now used in more than 25 intersections in muscat, making a smarter city and smarter traffic light management for an optimised and more fluid traffic. pmb bridge - brunei and axis to provide the automatic incident detection and video surveillance systems for the new 2.7km bridge linking the mainland to the industrial island of pulau muara besar in brunei. largest smart camera project for traffic data collection in colombia and axis are providing a video-analytics